The metabolism of microorganisms and consequntly their ability to survive and propagate are influenced by the oxidation reduction potensial (ORP) of the medium in which it lives (USEPA, 1996).
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a neutral compound of chlorine in the +IV Oxidation state. It disinfects by oxidation, however, it does not chlorinate. It is a relatively small, volatile, and highly energetic molecule, and free radical even while in dilute aqueous sulutions. At high concentration it reacts violently with reducing agents. However it is stable in dilute solution in a close container in the absence of light (AWWA, 1990). Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (CLO2) (Hoehn et al., 1996). The pKa for the chlorite ion, chlorous acid equilibrium, is extremely low at pH 1.8. This is remarkably different from the hypochlous acid/hypochlorite base ion pair equilbrium found near neutrality, and indicates the chlorite ion will exist as the dominant spesies in drinking water.
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